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“If you want to go fast, go alone but if you want to go far, go together” advice often quoted by the late business magnate Steve Jobs to his mentee Mark Zuckerberg.  Another African proverb states “it takes a village to raise a child” a favorite quote of former US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton to her network of influence.

These ancient words of wisdom are still relevant today and to reap the rewards of this complex society, it’s clear that we must go together.

The AKISAN MENTORSHIP PROGRAM(AKIMENTOR) aims to utilize our vast rich human capital to build an enviable, thriving, and sustainable community. A group of special individuals who have an interest in giving back to its members by sharing their expertise, business experience, vocational knowledge, and time. An immeasurable form of relentless giving.



When mentor talents are combined with mentees that are bright, ambitious, and forward thinking, the outcome is nothing short of miraculous.


Mathew 4:19 reminds us to “teach a man to fish and he will never go hungry”. Teaching our own, to fish our way lends the opportunity to directly shape the future in ways that are meaningful to us. Be it social impact, educational success, internships, or job opportunities, we can build a sustainable positive feedback loop as mentees give back to the association/community.

We are the African Proverbs, we are the Scriptures, these nuggets of wisdoms are woven into our DNA and we must not let the cares of today in a foreign land prevent us from building the community and life we deserve. 


Mentor Application CLICK HERE 


Mentee Application (Proverbs 19:20) Seek sound council and walk in the light


Meet our Mentors



Dr. Ime Ekpenyong, PhD




Professor Kevin Ita

why I’m an AKIMENTOR: “I’m a mentor because I like to share my professional experience.  I also want to inspire others to achieve greater heights”.


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